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Kenyon Kirn

    Kenyon Kirn is a rising senior at James Madison University originally from Fairfax City, VA. and is majoring in Media Arts and Design as a digital video and cinema concentration. Since childhood, he’s enjoyed filming and watching movies and has a dream of becoming a professional cinematographer for a major motion picture company. Kenyon has always loved traveling to different places in the U.S. and around the world, and the opportunity to study abroad and gain valuable career skills in Urbino was a once in a lifetime experience, he couldn’t pass up. Having the role as a videographer for the documentary in the sports and recreation group, Kenyon put in as much effort as he can to make an exceptional project to showcase his expertise and promote high quality work for the JMU program. His favorite experience in Urbino was exploring the vast historic cities and meeting the locals, along with immersing himself with the culture and trying all of the divine cuisine Italy has to offer.



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    Jacob Boyd