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Sport & Recreation

Tenuta Santi Giacomo e Filippo

Euros by Will Cooper

As the sun creeps back down to it’s horizon, relieved of its duty for the day, Daniela Peu, beloved employee of Bar Lamonaca, a fan-favorite corner store and bar, prepares the Piazza della Repubblica with tables, ash trays, and various monitors and projectors to entertain the daunting crowd that will soon follow. The stone laid streets of Urbino, which usually whisper the soft story of each step they inhabit, begin to rumble a loud chant as more and more people flood the piazza. On this day, the only thing strong enough to match the typical quiet, artistic culture that Urbino exemplifies, is a fiery passion fueled by the love of conflict, competition, and unity under a flag- it’s time to watch the European Football Championships in the streets of Italy.

Photos by Gray Gilliam

Interview with Daniela by Will Cooper

Photos by Gray Gilliam

Daniela is well known, and loved amongst the local Urbino community, and she takes pride in how she enables people to come together to watch the sports they love. While there are many words that can be used to describe her, the most potent that come to mind are joyous, welcoming, and wildly efficient. Her only attribute that outshines how effectively she serves each customer she encounters is the bright smile she has while doing so. Daniela was kind enough to let us ask her a few questions about her love for the people, culture, and sports that surround her.

“[The piazza seating setup] attracts a lot of people, and there is a large sense of community created because of it”. [Translated]  

Photos by Gray Gilliam

Photos by Gray Gilliam

Candigliano River

The Candigliano river flows through this Gorge, connecting to the Metauro river, eventually flowing into the Adriatic sea.

Cascata Delle Rondini (Swallow Waterfall)

Cascata delle Rondini, or Swallow Waterfall, is home to a few of the many animals that inhabit the area. This formation is dry most of the time, but turns into a waterfall when it rains. 

Another photo of the Cascata Delle Rondini (Swallow Waterfall)

These mountainous rocks are home to every animal imaginable, from small crab spiders that can change color based on the branch they sit on, to peregrine falcons that eat their prey upon a perch above the road, leaving nothing but a “flurry of feathers” to descend down onto travelers. 

Animals are not the only thing this Gorge boasts, but also various kinds of Andemic plants, which are plants that grow from rocks. Many of these beautiful plants that we saw, however, were not nearly as grown as they have been in years past, because climate change has caused a lack of moisture in the rocks, restricting these beauties from growing.

Interview with Maurizio by Will Cooper

Photos by Gray Gilliam

In addition to our insightful interview with Maurizio Saltarelli, we talked to Birders members Max Martinelli, Roberto Moratti, and Domenico Rossi (aka Mimmo) about what it means to them to be a part of this organization and spread information about what they love. Because he was the only one of the group to speak fluent english, Roberto spearheaded the discussion, saying, “it has a lot to do with our love for nature. So we’ve always been observing and looking for nature. And now we have the chance of bringing this to people who don’t know about nature”.

“You respect what you love. And people don’t know about nature, they don’t respect it, sometimes not out of just spite [but] if we can, like fill in the gaps and some people who don’t know about nature, there is a chance that they might actually respect it more and be more interested in when they go around because nature is all over us. We live in a documentary”.

Other photos of Tenuta Santi Giacomo e Filippo by Gray Gilliam

Jacob Boyd

Interactive Designer

Will Cooper


Kenyon Kirn


Gray Gilliam
