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Meet the Storytellers

  • Anna Gabe

    Anna Gabe is a rising junior at James Madison University and is double majoring in Communications and Creative Advertising. Anna grew up in Hopewell, NJ, and her interest in multimedia began in high school when she joined the school’s TV and Video Production program. Anna helped the program in many ways, including being a producer and news anchor for the school’s morning TV show. Anna planned on studying abroad as she entered JMU and found the Urbino, Italy program to be a great opportunity to explore Italian culture through multimedia. Her favorite part of studying abroad in Urbino has been the opportunity to connect on a personal level with the members of the community. Throughout her daily routine, she was able to meet many locals and get to know their personal stories. Throughout the program she has been able to expand her current skill set and knowledge about multimedia, user experience and visual communication.

  • Bre Roeder

    From a young age, Bre Roeder has always had her hands dipped in some form of art. The excitement of getting to tell a story through photography is what intrigued Bre the most. She is currently a rising senior pursuing a degree in Media Arts and Design (SMAD) with a concentration in Creative Advertising at James Madison University. Bre is originally from South Riding, VA and has fallen in love with Italian culture while studying abroad. Getting to capture the small, intimate parts of Urbino is something she will cherish for years. Connecting with the local residents of Urbino and surrounding towns was one of Bre’s favorite experiences while abroad. 
    Photo Instagram, Personal Instagram, Website

  • Christopher Hummer

    Christopher Hummer, from Martinsville, VA, graduated from James Madison University in the Spring of 2024. He studied Digital Video and Cinema within The School of Media Arts and Design. His recent interest in documentary filmmaking brought him to the Urbino program. He came on the trip to share the community’s stories, and to further his education and experience in documentary filmmaking. Christopher serves as the videographer and editor for his group, history and traditions. His favorite part of studying in Urbino was immersing in the local culture, and living as the locals do. 

  • Clara Campbell

    Clara Campbell is a rising senior at JMU majoring in Media Arts and Design with a concentration in Creative Advertising, with a minor in Educational Media. She always knew she wanted to take part in the unique experience of studying abroad to gain more experience, and the Urbino program was the perfect fit. She served as a writer for the project, and her favorite experience there was meeting and connecting with the locals while conducting interviews and seeing the hidden gems of the town. 


  • Emily Ashcraft

    Emily Ashcraft is a rising senior pursuing a degree in the Media Arts and Design school at James Madison University with a concentration in Digital Video and Cinema (DVC) originally from Virginia Beach, VA. The smaller scaled projects and opportunities that she was able to work on through the DVC program inspired her to come on the trip in order to better grasp what a career in this field would look like and also explore new cultures and lifestyles outside of Virginia. The whole idea behind SMAD is becoming a successful storyteller and that was Emily’s favorite part of the trip. As an avid people watcher, the ability to go out into the world with the awareness that everyone has their own remarkable story and have the opportunity to try and tell that story inspired Emily more than anything else during this trip. Continuing to explore how to use a camera, both still images and videos, to capture people’s emotions and convey their stories is something Emily hopes to do for the rest of her life.

  • Gray Gillam

    Gray Gilliam grew up in Warrenton, VA and went to Fauquier High School. He is now a rising senior at James Madison University with a major in Media, Arts & Design with a concentration in interactive design and a minor in Music Industry. Gray served as the photographer for his group and enjoyed documenting sports within the community. While in Italy, he enjoyed exploring the culture of the Urbino community including local restaurants and bars. 


  • Jacob Boyd

    Jacob Boyd is a rising fifth year at James Madison University and is majoring in the school of Media Arts and Design with a concentration in Interactive Design. Jacob is originally from Lovettsville, VA and has a passion for front end web development and videography. His favorite memory from Urbino was the free weekend when he went to Cinque Terre with friends and spent time at the beach. He wanted to study abroad in Urbino to experience a new culture he had never experienced before and see new things he has never seen and meet new people and make new friends. Jacob is very passionate about creating a website to share with people about his experiences.


  • Kate Dunham

    Kate Dunham is a rising junior at James Madison University, originally from Manassas, VA. She is studying Creative Advertising (SMAD) and Public Relations (Communications). She knew since starting college she wanted to study abroad and Multimedia Storytelling in Urbino, Italy was the perfect opportunity to do so. She served as the interactive designer for the history and traditions group. Kate loved having the ability to learn about the Urbino library and how it got to where it is today. Her favorite part of studying in Urbino was getting to know all the students on the trip and trying new foods. 

  • Kenyon Kirn

    Kenyon Kirn is a rising senior at James Madison University originally from Fairfax City, VA. and is majoring in Media Arts and Design as a digital video and cinema concentration. Since childhood, he’s enjoyed filming and watching movies and has a dream of becoming a professional cinematographer for a major motion picture company. Kenyon has always loved traveling to different places in the U.S. and around the world, and the opportunity to study abroad and gain valuable career skills in Urbino was a once in a lifetime experience, he couldn’t pass up. Having the role as a videographer for the documentary in the sports and recreation group, Kenyon put in as much effort as he can to make an exceptional project to showcase his expertise and promote high quality work for the JMU program. His favorite experience in Urbino was exploring the vast historic cities and meeting the locals, along with immersing himself with the culture and trying all of the divine cuisine Italy has to offer.



  • Kiley Byers

    Kiley Byers is a rising sophomore at James Madison University majoring in Media Arts and Design (SMAD) with a concentration in Digital Video and Cinema and minoring in Entrepreneurship. Growing up in Leesburg, Virginia, Kiley has always wanted to travel abroad, and the Urbino program gave her that opportunity while also combining it with her love of film. Although new to the SMAD program, Kiley has taken all the chances she can get to further her knowledge and gain hands-on experience. Kiley was the photographer for the Arts and Entertainment group, capturing the images of local artists in the Urbino and Le Marche area. This was her first time traveling abroad, and her favorite part was immersing herself in a new culture and work flow. This program encouraged her excitement to travel and create films of her own. 


  • Laney Weyman

    Laney Weyman is a rising senior at James Madison University, pursuing Journalism in the Media Arts and Design program. Laney is originally from Warrenton, VA and picked up the role of photographer for her group this summer and fell in love with capturing the beauty of the architecture in Urbino. While studying abroad was the last thing Laney thought she would do in college, she was glad to divert from her comfort zone. Exploring the culture and creativity of Urbino has been a once in a lifetime experience. Her favorite part of studying abroad was the views in Italy, and getting to see a part of the world that is rich in history, but new to her. 

  • Lucia Gabel

    Lucia Gabel is a rising junior at the University of Virginia studying Early Childhood Education. Growing up in Harrisonburg, VA, Lucia always wanted to study abroad to immerse herself in an experience that differed from her major. Lucia’s interest in photography and storytelling led her to Urbino where she was able to partner as a photographer on a food and fashion project. This allowed her to dive into the rich culture of homegrown organic products within Urbino and the surrounding areas. Lucia has appreciated the opportunity to grow in a new environment and capture the stories of local artisans through photography. Urbino has given her new experiences, wonderful friends, and a camera roll full of memories. 

  • Maya Waid

    Maya Waid is a rising senior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill double majoring in Media and Journalism & Global Leadership. Maya is originally from Harrisonburg, Virginia and has been fortunate enough to have traveled abroad before. Due to this, she knew studying abroad in college was a valuable experience that would help her develop her journalism skills. While in Urbino, she served as the writer for the people and community group. She was most excited to learn more about the community and work with her team to share their impactful stories. One of her favorite experiences in Italy was having the opportunity to explore the town and immersing herself in the culture. 

    LinkedIn, Portfolio, X,

  • Mikayla Freimuth

    Mikayla Freimuth is a rising junior at James Madison University studying Media Arts and Design with a concentration in Interactive Design and minor in Digital Studies. Mikayla grew up in Winchester, VA but knew early on she wanted to travel across the world at some point in her life. Mikayla has always been fascinated by the interactions between users and digital products around the world. Studying abroad has helped Mikayla gain hands-on experiences in web design, wire-framing, UX design, and visual design to create a website for viewers to enjoy. Mikayla has loved discovering the unique food and fashion in Urbino, while interviewing local individuals who have made a huge impact. Leaving Urbino, Mikayla plans to use the skills she has learned in college and during this program to lead her career in a positive direction.


  • Peter Wormald

    Peter Wormald is a rising sophomore at James Madison University studying Media Arts and Design (SMAD) with an Interactive Design concentration, though he hopes to possibly switch to a Digital Video and Cinema concentration. Peter is originally from Hamilton, Virginia. All of his life, he has been infatuated by learning how to make art of all types, which drew him to not only his major but the incredible opportunity of studying abroad in Urbino Italy. He chose to be a writer on the project because he wanted to truly understand and be a part of local culture through research, shared experience, and conversation with locals. His favorite experience in Urbino was doing just that, by playing piano in a late night jam session at a local bar.
    Personal Instagram, Art Instagram,

  • Reagan Young

    Reagan Young is a rising senior at James Madison University originally from Virginia Beach, VA, pursuing a degree in Media Arts and Design with a concentration in Interactive Design. With a passion for creating intuitive and engaging digital experiences, Reagan has honed skills in user research, wireframing, prototyping, and front-end development, and she utilized these skills by serving as the interactive designer for the Arts and Entertainment group. Her favorite memory in Urbino was collaborating with a translator to effectively communicate with Alessandra, the owner of Guado, sharing her story, and exploring the history of blue dyes in Italy’s Marche region. 


  • Ryan Prostejovsky

    Ryan Prostejovsky is a documentary filmmaker originally from Warrenton, VA with a knack for clear, concise, and effective storytelling. He studied Media Arts and Design at James Madison University and finished his final classes in Urbino, where Ryan filmed, edited, and directed documentary films. His interest in Urbino stemmed from longtime aspirations to travel the world; Italy was the perfect place to start. Outside of making new friends, his most memorable experience was cliff jumping in Cinque Terre. 


  • Sam Hodges

    Sam Hodges is a rising junior at JMU originally from Bristow, VA. She joined the study abroad program because it was an opportunity to gain a new understanding of filmmaking and media creation, and a wonderful way to experience a different way of life. Her role as videographer in the group project has pushed her beyond her initial understanding of how films can be created and allowed her to expand her creativity. This time in Italy has been incredible, as she’s been able to experience the people and the culture in a way that’s expanded her perspective on how many ways it is possible to live life. She’s enjoyed getting to work with her small group to highlight the importance of women in Urbino, and bring to light some of their struggles and successes. She hopes the story the team created reaches people deeply, and drives them to pursue knowledge outside of their cultural bubble. 


  • Sara Rohan

    Sara Rohan is a rising junior at James Madison University and is double majoring in psychology and art. Sara grew up in Stamford, CT and discovered her interests in psychology and the arts through her high school’s AP classes and an internship she participated in during a summer. Sara’s plans to study abroad led her to discover the Urbino program, which incorporated both elements of her majors. Unlike other study abroad programs, the Urbino project is an immersive experience that allowed her to connect with people in the community on a personal level. Her favorite part of the program was learning and experiencing the culture and different customs while living within the community. She has enjoyed her time on this trip and is extremely grateful for the opportunity to work with some of the incredible women in Urbino. 


  • Shannon Hamer

    Shannon Hamer is a rising junior at James Madison University studying Psychology, and she grew up in Centreville, VA. Shannon knew going into college that one of her main goals was to study abroad, and she is extremely grateful for the opportunity to have fulfilled this dream in Urbino, Italy this summer. She served as a writer for the history and traditions group, which allowed her to explore the fascinating and rich history of Urbino. Shannon’s favorite part of the Urbino program was having the opportunity to be immersed in a culture that has many differences and similarities to the one she has always known. 

  • Will Cooper

    As Will Cooper, from Norristown, PA, enters his junior year at James Madison University, he is excited to further explore his passions in writing and screenplay as part of his curriculum. This study abroad trip presented him with an opportunity to do just that. As an Intercultural Communications Studies major, Will held a timid skepticism of how he could develop his writing and communications skills entering the Urbino project, considering the project is focused on Media Arts and Design. Now, as the writer for his group, Will has found a smooth cooperation between his prior experience and the new aspects of media he is learning and he is starting to understand how the two work in tandem with each other. Another aspect of Will’s enthrallment with the program lies in his desire to have new experiences while traveling. Will has never left the east coast of the United States in his life, and was looking for a way to, quite literally, expand his horizons. Will is grateful for the opportunity to be immersed with Urbino culture and surrounded by great friends and professors. 


  • Zada Sudduth

    Zada Sudduth is a rising junior at James Madison University double majoring in Media Arts and Design with a concentration in Digital Video and Cinema and Dance. She grew up in the small town of Hague located in Westmoreland County, Virginia. Zada is currently a reporter for JMU’s BreezeTV, a contributor for WMRA radio show Shenandoah Valley Evergreen, and employed as a videographer for Student Affairs Communications and Marketing. Zada served as the videographer for the Arts and Entertainment group. Zada’s favorite part of studying abroad in Urbino, Italy was meeting new people through project work and walking around town. 
    Personal Instagram, Art Instagram,